A Letter (shortly) Then I Shall Be Quiet

I was not shocked as much

disturbed to hear that

You’ve been eating something

made for cleaning. Perhaps

it’s your soul that is craving it

because it’s all quite ridiculous really

that you’ve ingested Tide Pods

into your mouths. Mother always

said to watch your language or she’d

clean it out with soap-which

I’ve always found less threatening

and more concerning that anyone would

eat soap so maybe you just haven’t adjusted

all that well. That perhaps some thing

inside of you still wants to be comforted

and held and not simply dismissed and

that this is all a cry for attention that Gen-X

parents could no longer give in the rise

of mortgage costs, keeping up the Jones’,

and the economical collapse of 2008.

Perhaps it is all less nefarious. That

to fit in for the fleeting fame you have

to be bold. So bold as in to cross over into

unsafe and uncharted waters-do you know

who even started this practice? Perhaps

the boredom simply took over and it was

the thought, what’s the worst that can happen?

Perhaps it was just plain stupidity

in the face of so much noise

its a reach to find some quiet.

The Battle for the Republic

We live in such turbulent times.
I dare not trust the papers,
I dare not trust the projected weather
For it changes almost as soon as my thoughts;
Flitting to despair and hope and back again.
It is a great charity to smile. It is a great
malevolence to say goodbye when you have no
intention of ever coming back.